Promoting U thru Safety & Health (PUSH)

Intro training for young workers


PUSH (Promoting U through Safety & Health) is designed to reduce the incidence of workplace injuries among young workers by way of novel training tools specifically designed to address the distinctive Visit the PUSH Tumblr pageneeds of this population.  The training topics are drawn from the NIOSH Youth@Work: Talking Safety curriculum, health promotion (nutrition, hydration, sleep, and substance abuse), and effective communication in the workplace.  There are 286 screens in the training.

Learn more about the project and the science behind the training on the PUSH project page.  Download 1-pager that describes the information, links, training and benefits of PUSH.  The training title can be licensed here and you will receive access to all other items in the toolkit at no cost once you license the training; all the other items in the toolkit are also available at no cost at

PUSH builds useful skills in young workers, thereby addressing the long-term goals of reducingWatch the PUSH Promo Video injuries and improving health with the added benefit of creating a more productive workforce.

Evidence base:  In a randomized trial, 141 young (mean 18 years of age) parks and recreation workers hired for the summer were given PUSH training.  The PUSH training produced significant improvements in safety and health knowledge (small effect size [d] = 0.4*), though attitudes toward health and safety did not improve.  The training was well liked by the young workers.  Results are published in a peer-reviewed publication.

* Effect size (d) is a measure of the size or magnitude of a change.  A review of hundreds of studies categorize d = 0.25 to 0.49 as small; 0.50 to 0.79 as medium; and 0.80 and above as large (Cohen, 1988). Cohen J. Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences Lawrence Earlbaum Associates. Hillsdale, NJ. 1988:20-26.

Record of Results
Licensing provides an account, password option and secure server space where all results are saved in your organization’s space; results can be downloaded through our Data Reports tool (free).

Users who complete the final test can print a certificate of completion on the following screen.

Trainings (licensed ‘uses’) can begin at any time over a year from the initial date on the license.
• Once a training is begun there is no time limit on when it can be completed.
• Users can quit the training (press esc or close browser) and click the original link to return to the same place in the training if they use the exact same user name that they entered when starting training.

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