Supervisor Skills in Construction (Spanish) – Supervisión Efectiva

Entrenamiento de Habilidades de los Supervisores para la Industria de la Construcción (Supervisor Skills in Construction) builds general skills in team building and behavioral skills of reinforcing desired work and home practices in a Total Worker Health (TWH) environment.  This is the computer-based training component of the Supervisor Training in Construction project of the Oregon Healthy Workforce Center.  It teaches both the skills and the application of those skills to safety and health and wellbeing designed as an intervention project that is described on the OHWC website.  There are three topics:

  1. Tracking your employee interactions and set up to the project
  2. Team building, observation and reinforcement of desired work practices
  3. Application for safety and personal health and wellbeing

This training is designed for construction companies implementing the supervisor skills project, although the principles in this title applies to all industries. This training title is entirely in Spanish.

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