Harassment & Violence: De-escalation, Escape & Defense

Described and illustrated with videos in home care setting


Describes and illustrates how to respond to violence and harassment by escape and defense techniques.  The training was created in a home to reflect a home care or service setting, as seen in the pictures and movie clips in the training, but it relates to people of any industry where harassment and violence may occur.  This title was developed to accompany deescalation training for Home Care Workers, and complements the deescalation training available from NwETA.  The title has 147 screens and 46 video clips.

Evidence base: This training was given to approximately 20 home care workers as part of a class that included deescalation topics with practice and in-person training to practice the techniques; the participants in the class demonstrated learning and rated the computer-based training title positively.

Record of Results
Licensing provides an account, password option and secure server space where all results are saved in your organization’s space; results can be downloaded through our Data Reports tool (free).

Users who complete the final test can print a certificate of completion on the following screen.

Note: Trainings (licensed ‘uses’) can begin at any time over a year from the initial date on the license.   Once a training is begun there is no time limit on when it can be completed.

Users can quit the training (press esc or close browser) and click the original link to return to the same place in the training if they use the exact same user name that they entered when starting training.

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