Title Revision

Training must evolve to remain accurate and even useful. Changes you might wish to make, include:

  • Add or replace pictures or movies
  • Add or replace spoken language recordings
  • Add, delete or change text
  • Find and replace text
  • Add new information and quiz screens into an infoset
  • Add new extra (“more”) screens and attach to selected screens
  • Reorder screens within an infoset
  • Add or delete infosets
  • Print screens and make Word document of the title (all screens)

Costs for NwETA to Make Changes
NwETA provides a basic branding option to add your logo and limited pages, or extensive custom content additions to make changes to training titles.  In either case, the title is set aside for the exclusive use of your organization.

Costs for You to Make Changes
You can license our Builder editing software to make changes yourselfpicture-takin.jpg
See: “Create your own cTRAIN Titles” in the NwETA Store for pricing.

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