Supervisor Skills in Construction – English & Spanish

Supervisor Skills in Construction builds general skills in team building and behavioral skills of reinforcing desired work and home practices in a Total Worker Health (TWH) environment.  The computer-based training component of the Supervisor Training in Construction project of the Oregon Healthy Workforce Center teaches both the skills and the application of those skills to safety and health and well-being designed as an intervention program.   The other major component of the intervention program is the ‘Get Healthier’ education cards to teach healthy lifestyles to all employees.  The program is described on the OHWC website.

The Supervisor Skills training has three topics:

  1. Tracking your employee interactions and set up to the project
  2. Team building, observation and reinforcement of desired work practices
  3. Application for safety and personal health and wellbeing

The training is designed for construction companies implementing the Supervisor Skills intervention, although anyone can purchase a single use license for the training, below.  The ‘Get Healthier’ cards have 12 topics (see the list in Spanish) and are also available below.

Companies should select the license option below based on the number of supervisors they plan to have take the training in the next year (each license is good for a year).  The Get Healthier education cards can be downloaded for use with an entire company, regardless of size.  English and Spanish language versions are available below.

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